Beese Fulmer serves in a fiduciary capacity, investing in your best interests rather than serving the interests of a broker. Once wealth accumulates, the safe default of mutual funds is no longer sufficient. When compounding wealth, taxes on mutual funds become a wealth-building inhibitor, a tax drag on your performance results.

Rational investing is investing that gets more traction.

The more wealth, the more complexity. It’s perfectly rational that your strategy grows as your wealth and financial complexity grows. Beese Fulmer grows with you. Beese Fulmer’s emphasis on a more appropriate stocks and bonds approach helps put you on the right path, now that your taxable assets have built up. The Beese Fulmer plan for accumulating wealth is designed for this singular stage in your financial life, recognizing the need to balance growth and limit taxes in order to give you the comfort that your finances will be in good shape for your family as you head towards a satisfying retirement.