investing is rational investing.
Beese Fulmer's institutional equity managers invest in high-quality businesses with predictable growth, sustainable earnings, and disciplined capital allocation. We believe this drives long term returns for shareholders.
Beese Fulmer has more than 40 years’ experience.
Beese Fulmer — an employee-owned, privately held independent company — was founded in 1980 and holds $1.5+ billion in assets under management (USD).
Beese Fulmer claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and is an SEC Registered Investment Adviser. The Beese Fulmer Quality Equity strategy, which offers separately managed accounts rather than a shared mutual fund structure, is perfect for institutional investors.
GIPS® is a registered trademark of CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein.
Quality investing believes in the future.
Our investing philosophy captures the growth and strength of the U.S. economy over the long-term. We use three pillars to distinguish companies that share these characteristics.
Pillar 1
Above-average profitability and operating returns
Pillar 2
Growth visibility, recurring revenue, and mission-critical sales
Pillar 3
Capital Allocation
Intelligent reinvestment, growing dividends, and disciplined buybacks
What can be more rational than favoring profitability, predictability, and asset allocation?
Our team employs a rigorous, highly monitored process designed for steady, long-term growth and robust financial health; enduring profitability with consistent earnings; and judicious capital management.
We target large-cap US companies with predictable business models and management teams, strong competitive advantages, and industry leadership. We invest in companies that have durable economic moats, desired product portfolios, and well-established value chains that generate predictable sales, profits, and free cash flows relative to their peers.
Beese Fulmer stands as an institutional asset manager that requires companies to have quality factors that support intelligent capital allocation. Business model maturity also influences management capital allocation decisions. The firm prefers companies with an asset-light business model with low reinvestment rates measured as a percentage of R&D/Sales and CAPEX/Sales. Beese Fulmer also expects companies to return capital to shareholders with higher percentages of free cash flow to dividends and buybacks. It does so for long holding periods of at least five years, resulting in a differentiated investment thesis.
Stay Rational.
Chasing the big score while ignoring equally big risks is not the Beese Fulmer way.
We've stayed rational since the very beginning. It's rational to invest over the long-term rather than jump on fads; it’s rational to pursue sustained growth instead of unstable hunches; it's rational to favor regular asset allocation over unpredictable behaviors. This makes all the difference, compared to ordinary strategies tied to low-quality portfolios.

Steadfast, rooted, strong, and sturdy. Beese-Fulmer's rational approach to investing is built on a solid foundation.
Contact the institutional asset manager dedicated to a rational approach.

Beese Fulmer was the first firm in the region to adopt the standards of the CFA Asset Manager Code of professional conduct.

Beese Fulmer was recognized as a Weatherhead 100 Fastest Growing Company in 2017 and 2021.